About Phil

Thanks for clicking on my blog. My name is Phil Hefner. Just a few introductory comments. I am almost obsessively devoted to writing–books, blog, articles, and poetry. Since I’m confined to a wheelchair, writing is something I can do. On August 15, my book (written with Ann Milliken Pederson and Susan Baretto), Our Bodies Are Selves was published by Cascade Press. The title pretty much tells you what it’s about. The first installment of this blog explains my perspective. I’m at the age where I want to tell it like it is–hence the name: Liftthescreen. Look for an installment every month, sometimes more frequently.

I taught Christian theology for nearly 50 years, most of those years at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. I also established the Zygon Center for Religion and Science, and for 20 years I edited the scholarly journal, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. Now I write about whatever interests me.

3 Responses to “About Phil”

  1. Cassandra Guice October 26, 2015 at 3:28 am #

    Found the adult forum interesting today but don’t believe that it was exactly what up had in mind. As I have not read your book yet and do not know if reading it would effect my perspective, I would like to answer your 9 questions. 1. My personal mantra is taken from someone else – I think, therefore I am” Soul is not an idea, it is what is. Spirit is indeed an action word of the Soul. 2) Everywhere 3) Yes and everything/one else 4) guardian 5) yes. Discussion takes too long. Short answer. My God came back to life and hung around for a few more days. 6) Yes, as early as this morning…(those solbello commercials are very tempting — glad I am poor.) Why, because I believe that the fat of my obese body is toxic (like pus) and its removal could make my health any worse and might make my health better. You my ask, if your belief is that strong, why don’t you do whatever it takes to get your body liposuctioned?” My answer is that I have seen the procedure. 7) What is body wellness? The body is the body. Now the wellness of the soul, that’s something else. By the way did you say the the that one of the ladies participating in the discussion did not believe in the soul. I find that sad, it that is true. 8) The mechanism of thought is body specific. Praying is an activity of the soul…this is why Jesus was asked to teach us how to pray. Have we mastered that yet..the how of praying?

    Thank you for the questions.


    • Liftthescreen November 8, 2015 at 1:57 am #

      My apologies for not responding sooner. I appreciate your comments. We’ll be meeting again tomorrow morning–November 8. I hope you can be there. Phil Hefner

  2. coachrevmark2u November 14, 2015 at 4:01 pm #

    So good to find this site. I can’t find a spot where I can sign up to regularly receive your posts.

    I was in the LSTC class of 1971; did not go on to Lutheran ministry (actually left the Lutheran church & Christianity), but later went on to ordination as a Unitarian Universalist minister. Last saw you when you were taking care of some Zygon business (I think Ralph Burhoe was by then fully retired) at Meadville-Lombard when it still was in Hyde Park and when I was there for a year (1990-91) to complete my UU core requirements.

    I’m now fully retired from congregational ministry, but continue to do a modest community ministry of life coaching; most of my clients at this point are clergy. We have a number of mutual friends, including Nancy Ellen Abrams, whose book, “A God That Could Be Real” has let me re-appropriate God.

    For what it’s worth, the highlight in retrospect of my time at LSTC was the class time I had with you. In particular, the grad-level class on Theological Methodology which you let me be part of even though I wasn’t at grad level per se.

    All good things to you. And if there is a way I can sign up to regularly receive your posts when you publish them, I’ll be a happy camper.

    Mark Hoelter

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